Benefits of workforce planning

 1. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Workforce planning helps organisations make the right decisions by distributing people to different departments or designing the required manpower for every department in the organisation. Therefore, by studying the level of preparedness of the current workforce and its forecast for the future, it is possible to avoid critical personnel shortages or excessive staffing, which will positively affect productivity and business efficiency. 

 2. Enhanced Talent Management

Workforce planning is an effective way of establishing the strengths and opportunity areas in human resources to enable the formulation of recruitment and training plans that will address existing and future shortcomings. Thus, it becomes easy for the organisation to maintain a flow of talent. This guarantees that the organisations are well-staffed to compete with competitors. Moreover, it supports the process of organisation development by enhancing the skill sets of future generational leaders in the company. 

 3. Cost Savings

Workforce planning has the potential to prevent expenses such as turnover costs, overtime costs, and hiring. Such costs are greatly incurred if the right planning process is not followed. If an organisation can predict the right number of employees that will be required in the future, it will be in a good position to determine the appropriate time to seek additional employees.. 

4. Better Decision Making

Workforce planning gives a big-picture perspective of the workforce,enabling a flow of solutions. It also makes it possible for managers to ensure that they prepare for changes in demand, which can range from preparing for a busy period to preparing for a slow period. This foresight ensures that organisations are well prepared and enables them to pivot effectively. 


  7. Compliance and Risk Management 

Compliance with labour laws and regulations is mandetory. As such, organisations need to be equipped with the mechanisms and capacity to control and mitigate the risks which are associated with the workforce to enable it to meet the acceptable levels required by local law as part of their workforce planning strategy. 


 5. Enhanced Staff Morale

There is a sense of mutual benefit in having the workforce capabilities fit into the strategic plans of the organisation. It creates a sense of worthiness resulting in employee satisfaction. It  also involves constant checks and revisions, so there are always opportunities for individual skills to be developed for the benefit of the firm. This can lead to increased job satisfaction among the employees. 

 6. Competitive Advantage

One way that organisations can prepare and be ready to counter industry change and meet specific market demands is through effective workforce planning. Using our framework, organisaions lcan mobilise their workforce easily to capitalise on opportunities and/ or counter-check threats that arise within a short period giving them a competitive edge. A well-defined workforce plan can improve the employee branding of the company and become one of the vital factors in attracting sought afterskilled employees. 

 Why Choose Smart Scaling?

Smart Scaling has a combined experience in the field of employee management services of more than 12 years, and therefore, we know how to lead your company to success. Being experienced in working with various types of organisations, including giants such as Google as well as growing startups and developed scale-ups, we combine the effective strategies from all three types into a set of measures that are best suited for your organisation. 

 Whether it be performance management and systemic workforce planning or talent acquisition and diversity and inclusion initiatives, Smart Scaling can help your company achieve optimal people outcomes. We pride ourselves in being client-sensitive and aim to ascertain every client’s needs and objectives by providing appropriate solutions. 

 Working with us assures excellent service delivery, creativity, and the industry-specific knowledge necessary for delivering good solutions in workforce planning.