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The Core Elements of a Great HR Strategy

Today, we’re talking about something that is near and dear to us- building a great HR strategy. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing approach, having a solid HR strategy is the key to creating a thriving, engaged workforce. A well-crafted HR strategy is essential for any organisation aiming to maximise its human resources potential.  So grab a cup of coffee and let’s explore the core elements that make a great HR strategy, focusing on how businesses can effectively manage their most valuable asset—their people.

1. Understanding Organisational Goals and Objectives

First thing’s first, your HR strategy should be tightly aligned with your company's overall business goals. The foundation of a successful HR strategy lies in understanding the organisation's goals and objectives. Think of HR as an organisation’s strategic partner in achieving success. Whether your company is focused on growth, innovation, or customer satisfaction, your HR strategy should directly support these objectives 

2. Workforce Planning

People are the nucleus of any organisation. As such, workforce planning is a key element of an effective HR strategy. It involves forecasting the organisation's future staffing needs and developing plans to ensure those needs are met. This process includes analysing current workforce capabilities, identifying skill gaps, and planning for future hiring and development initiatives.

Effective workforce planning enables organisations to proactively address talent shortages and surpluses, reducing the risk of operational disruptions and helping the company achieve its strategic goals. It also allows HR teams to develop targeted recruitment and retention strategies, ensuring the organisation has the right people in the right roles at the right time.

3. Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

A great HR strategy includes a robust talent acquisition and recruitment plan. Attracting and hiring top talent is essential for any organisation's success. To achieve this, your HR strategy should include a compelling employer brand, and should create a positive candidate experience, as well as an effective recruitment process.

Employer branding plays such a critical role in attracting the right talent. When your HR strategy showcases the organisation’s culture, values and perks, it helps create a brand that really clicks with potential employees. It also makes the recruitment process smoother by enabling the quicker shortlisting of applications. This makes for a better candidate experience 

4. Employee Development and Training

Investing in employee development and training is a vital component of a successful HR strategy. When you offer continuous learning opportunities, your team can sharpen their skills, stay current with industry trends, and grow within the organisation.

A well rounded employee development plan should mix things up with on-the-job training, workshops, seminars, and online courses. It’s also important to provide personalised development programs that cater to each employee’s needs and align with your company goals.

By offering clear career paths and growth opportunities, you not only boost employee satisfaction, you also increase retention.

5. Performance Management

Effective performance management is key to achieving organisational success. A solid performance management system enables you to evaluate employee performance, provide constructive feedback, and set clear goals for the future.

A great performance management strategy involves regular check -ins, ongoing feedback, and clear goal setting. It’s also about celebrating top performers, offering growth opportunities and addressing any performance issues in a timely manner. 

By creating a culture of continuous improvement, you can keep your team engaged, motivated, and focussed on achieving the company’s goals.

 6. Employee Engagement and Retention

Engaged employees are happy employees, and happy employees are productive employees! As such, employee engagement and retention are critical components of a great HR strategy. You can enhance employee engagement by fostering a positive work environment, promoting open communication, and encouraging collaboration. Additionally, providing competitive rewards and recognition packages, offering flexible work arrangements are also effective strategies for retaining top talent.

Regularly checking in with your team through surveys, feedback sessions, and one to ones, help you to identify areas for improvement and implement initiatives to enhance engagement and retention.

 7. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion aren’t just buzz words-  they’re essential elements of a thriving workplace. In today's global and diverse workplace, a strong HR strategy must prioritise diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). DEI initiatives are essential for creating a workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to the organisation's success. A good DEI strategy brings different perspectives, ideas and innovations to the table making your company stronger and more adaptable. 

Senior leadership should enforce making DEI a priority in their hiring processes but don’t stop there. Develop and implement policies that promote diversity, create an inclusive culture where everyone feels welcome and respected regardless of their differences. Offer training and resources to help your team to understand the value of diversity and how to embrace it daily.

 8. Measure and Adjust Your HR Strategy 

A great HR strategy isn’t set in stone- it evolves. Regularly measuring the impact of your HR strategy allows you to see what’s working, what’s not and where you can make room for improvements. This keeps your HR strategy dynamic and responsive to the needs of your organisation and your employees.  

By using metrics like employee turnover rates, employee engagement scores, and time to hire gauge the effectiveness of your HR strategy. 


Building a great HR strategy might seem like a big task and although it is, by focusing on these core elements, you’ll be well on your way to creating a work environment where both your employees and your organisation are in great shape. Remember, your people are your greatest asset, and a strong HR strategy is about unlocking their potential and setting them up for success. 

So, take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves, and start crafting that award winning HR strategy. Your future self- and your team - will thank you. 

Unsure where to begin? Well, why not start with a free HR audit. Click the link below to get started

For more information on how we can support your HR needs, or to book your free consultation, please reach out to us:

